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Email: first-name@ucsb.edu
Twitter: @shumochu

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I am currenlty a research scientist at Algorand. I am going to join 伕理海外ip软件 as an assistant professor in Fall 2024.

I graudated as a PhD from University of Washington Computer Science and Engineering. I was advised by the great Dan Suciu. I mostly worked on 2022海外ip伕理, an automated reasoning tool for SQL and Myria, a distributed database system. I obtained my bachelor degree from Wuhan University, China, which has one of the most beautiful campus in the world.

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永久免费跨境加速- quickq下载

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换ip工具软件_国内免费动态ip伕理-迅联加速:迅联加速是国内知名伕理ip加速器服务商,专注于提供动态ip伕理软件,换ip工具,换ip软件,HTTP伕理,SOCKS5伕理,一键切换IP,是电脑手机IP加速器神器,其产品价格低,套餐灵活,高速稳定,不限带宽,不限流 …
Demonstration of the Cosette Automated SQL Prover
HoTTSQL: Proving Query Rewrites with Univalent SQL Semantics
豌豆http伕理充值 - 豌豆http伕理 - 一站式HTTP伕理服务供应商:企业级伕理服务器池方案提供商,提供海量优质高匿HTTP伕理IP,低延迟高可用率稳定专业,产品线涵盖高性能伕理服务器软件开发、部署与运维,优质伕理IP解决方案,提供http伕理定制等业务。

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From Theory to Practice: Efficient Join Query Evaluation in a Parallel Database System
Demonstration of the Myria Big Data Management Service

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Triangle Listing in Massive Networks
Fast Algorithms for Maximal Clique Enumeration with Limited Memory
Efficient Processing of Distance Queries in Large Graphs: A Vertex Cover Approach
助海外华人访问国内应用,低延迟畅玩国服游戏-神龟加速器官网‎:2021-8-1 · 身处海外,观看电视剧、听音乐、看体育直播经常会遇到【地区限制,无法播放】和【音视频卡顿】。解锁和加速不限于优酷、哔哩哔哩 B站、爱奇艺、腾讯视频、QQ音乐、土豆、网易云音乐、虾米音乐、酷狗音乐、芒果直播 MGTV、Acfun、PPTV ...
Efficient Core Decomposition in Massive Networks

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The Curses of Blockchain Decentralization

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